By Chris Urton
Ede. Na mube kub kaiudi nono güre sinoyeregün. Bangar nub yanim Jisas yanübaue. Nu eregeam büreregeaga. Bangar Keriab Kekia Asaub Nono güdi yanübaweregen. Bangar Keriabüde, oyebeb Devit sibe erekokayau difereregeaga.
Luk 1.31-32
Listen. You will be body heavy and you will carry one baby boy. Thus you will call his name Jesus. He will be bigman. Thus they will call him Son of God Very On Top. And God will make him a very bigman like ancestor David.
Back Translaton of Luke 1.31-32 in the Sob Language
It hardly seems possible that a year ago we were doing a consultant check of the first few chapters of Luke in the Sob language. After we finished the consultant check we worked hard to get a booklet done of the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke. The booklet followed the litergical readings for the week leading up to Christmas Day.
We distributed 50 copies of the booklet around the village. The Sob people could then read or listen to someone else read the Christmas story according to Luke in their heart language.
Please pray that we can remain strong in finishing the book of Luke so they can have a fuller understanding of Jesus.
Chris and Lori Urton has serving among the Sob language group in Bible translation.